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Returning home from a Scottish photography trip we decided to come down the A1 along the coastal route looking for seascapes.
As we neared St.Abbs towards sunset the sky began to colour and a fantastic sunset was in the offing. Racking our brains for a nearby location, we came up with Pettico Wick, Broadhaven Bay.
We had wanted to visit this one for a long time and hadn't really been able to justify it, but we had to move quickly.
Heading into St.Abbs we were disappointed to find the sought after location was not actually here, frantic googling got us the name "Pettico Wick" and more googling got us a map, off we went. We weren't too sure of the maps authenticity when it came to crossing farm land, avoiding livestock and driving along a narrow track but we persevered. Glad we did!
The jetty and stack were bathed in pink sunlight by now but the sun was really low and in danger of disappearing below the cliff tops as we ran down the path to the jetty and set up the camera.
Just in time. Darkened over within two minutes of the shot as the sun dipped behind the cliffs.
Back to St.Abbs for coffee and cake ..... as you do.
The Shot
The clouds weren't moving but the sea was a little choppy so a 10-stop filter was used to smooth it out a little (always useful with seascapes). With no time left to calculate the hyperfocal distance focussing a third into the frame got the shot.
This print is available to buy in the seascapes section of our shop
Take a look at another seascapes blog entry - Longniddry Wreck
Wikipedia information on Pettico Wick
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