Friday, 5 June 2015

Northumberland Landscapes - Roughting Linn

Roughting Linn waterfall on the Broomridgedean Burn, Northumberland

Roughting Linn

Travelling around in the countryside looking for viable Northumberland landscapes is an enjoyable pastime anyway but so much more so when you find a gem like Roughting Linn!!

This has got to be our best find to date and at times will leave you wondering whether your anywhere near it at all but persevere and you will be rewarded with a delightfull fairy-tale dell into which the Roughting Linn drops on the course of the Broomridgedean Burn.

Like kids in the sweet shop we explored every inch of this magical place, taking many shots, far more than we needed.

The water flow level was just enough to give us a nice effect but not too much to blanket everything in mist and prevent you getting closer. Blind luck!


There wasn't a coffee or cake shop here, sadly :-(

The Shot

The light levels were low enough in the dell to allow a slow enough exposure without filters, especially if you composed without the sky.

A quick behind-the-scenes shot, courtesy of Jill

More Info

While we were here another visitor appeared and asked us if we knew where the Neolithic rock art was. Funnily enough we did, it was on our route card for the visit, off he went. We checked it out later, 50 yards or so on the other side of the main path we descended from. They are definitely visible but there isn't much contrast between the art and the surrounding rock, may be better after rain.


Go This Place - Roughting Linn

The Modern Antiquarian - Neolithic Rock Art

Getting There

Just on the crossroads there is a verge big enough for a few cars, park here, cross back to the other side and walk up the path towards the farm, if you are still on the main path by the time you hear the falls then you have gone too far. After 40 yards (ish) you will see a track heading down the hill on the left. Follow this track down the hill and around in a horseshoe until you enter the dell where the fall is. Be careful on the track, as of May 2015 a tree fall has destroyed part of the track and a little scrambling is required.

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Northern Landscapes - Jesmond Dene Weir

A view upstream on the Ouseburn over a weir in Jesmond Dene, Newcastle

Jesmond Dene

We were back in Jesmond Dene, Newcastle for this outing. Followers will recognise the name as we're quite fond of Jesmond Dene for Northern landscapes, a jewel hidden away in the heart of Newcastle.

We decided to walk right up to the North end of the dene this time to get some water shots before heading back along the Ouseburn to the car.

On the way through the dene we stopped at a picnic area and "lunched".

The Ouseburn is very picturesque as it flow through the length of the dene and you are spoilt for choice when it comes to picking shots, especially when time is of the essence. However, we simply could not pass this weir as the water level was just right to give a nice effect to the water.

There was a bit of a scramble involved to get down to the river (be careful), and we still had to stand in the water to get a good view upstream, but it was worth it.


The Shot

A slower shutter speed of around half a second was selected here to try a capture the "flow" of the water rather that the "detail". It came out well.

Shot with a Canon FD 28mm on a Sony A7r.


Jesmond Dene website

Wikipedia - Jesmond Dene

Trip Advisor - Jesmond Dene

Getting There

We parked on Benton Bank and crossed the Armstrong Bridge to entering Jesmond Dene Park at the southerly end.