Monday, 29 December 2014

Northumberland Landscapes – Lone Northumbrian Tree

Lone Northumbrian Tree

Whilst driving back home, from a days shooting Northumberland landscapes with a fellow togger, we came across one of those situations where the light is so good you just HAVE to stop and take a photograph.

[caption id="attachment_907" align="aligncenter" width="950"]Northumberand Landscapes - Lone Sunset Tree - Mono Lone Sunset Tree - Mono[/caption]



We were anxiously looking for a candidate before the light disappeared when we spotted a lone tree in the middle of a field on the other side of the dual carriageway.


Getting the Shot

A quick, but legal, U-turn got us alongside the field, then a mad dash across many flooded furrows and between many mountains of cow-poop got us to the tree just in time to setup and take the shot before the sum dipped into the clouds. Fortuitous timing.

Personally, I am torn between the landscapes, the mono version above or the colour version below? What do you think?

[caption id="attachment_908" align="aligncenter" width="950"]Northumberand Landscapes - Lone Sunset Tree Lone Sunset Tree[/caption]


Getting there ...

... the light coloured field to the west of the A1



Wikipedia information on Alnwick

Wikipedia information on Shilbottle

Alnwick Tourist Information

Check out Part II of this article for the resulting triptych!

sunset, tree, field, northumberland, crepuscular, rays, lone, landscape, england

Sunday, 28 December 2014

Northumberland Landscapes - Day Mark

[caption id="attachment_902" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]Northumberland Landscapes - Day Mark Day Mark[/caption]


A recent trip for Northumberland landscapes took us to the Holy Island of Lindisfarne, on the North East coast of Northumberland, England, brought us upon this curious monolith.

Set on the North East tip of the island at Emmanuel Point, it is a "Day Mark". Built of brick in 1810 and standing at 35 feet high, it provided a marker for maritime navigation.

Oh, and there's a very nice cafe for a full English breakfast!!

This print is available in our online shop.

The Shot

It was windy that day but I didn't want the grass to blur too much so a fast shutter speed was used. Many landscapes are available around the island, don't be happy just to hang around the castle but be sure you keep one eye on the time and the tide.

The image was later processed in Nik Silver Efex Pro 2.


Wikipedia information on Lindisfarne

The Holy Island of Lindisfarne Website

National Trust Information

View another post about Northumberland Landscapes - Lone Northumbrian Tree

Getting there ...


lindisfarne, holy, island, emmanuel head, day mark, northumberland, england

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Introduction to Aperture - Digital Photography School

Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been writing a series of posts on elements that digital photographers need to learn about in order to get out of Auto mode and learn how to manually set the exposure of their shots. I’ve largely focussed upon three elements of the ‘exposure triangle‘ – ISO, Shutter Speed and Aperture. I’ve previously written about the first two and today would like to turn our attention to Aperture.Before I start with the explanations let me say this. If you can master aperture you put into your grasp real creative control over your camera. In my opinion – aperture is where a lot of the magic happens in photography and as we’ll see below, changes in it can mean the difference between one dimensional and multi dimensional shots.

via Introduction to Aperture - Digital Photography School.

Friday, 19 December 2014

Match Total Exposure | The Underused Lightroom Feature You'll Now Make A Staple

If you’re in Lightroom editing a session’s worth of images, it’s probably fair to assume you have implemented bracketing into your shooting. It’s also fair to assume you have a sequence of shots, even if not bracketed, that were taken in the same lighting environment and thus may warrant having the same exposure. You could go through each image and fine tune them, and judging by eye to see when they are balanced and equal, but there’s a much faster and exact way to do this, and it’s as simple as selecting and clicking.

via Match Total Exposure | The Underused Lightroom Feature You'll Now Make A Staple.

Friday, 5 December 2014

Victor Emmanuel II

[caption id="attachment_856" align="aligncenter" width="950"]Victor Emmanuel II Victor Emmanuel II[/caption]

On a recent trip to Rome we discovered the Altare della Patria (Altar of the Fatherland) in Rome. It lies between the Piazza Venezia and the Capitoline Hill.

Built by by Giuseppe Sacconi in 1885, it's frontage houses an equestrian scuplture of Victor Emmanuel II

This place is ALWAYS thronging with tourists, even in the rain, however the raised statue was just high enought to avoid the heads of the crowds.

A polariser was used to darken the sky and a 10-stop ND filter was also used to allow the scudding clouds to merge into the diffuse glow you see in the image.

italy, rome, altare della patria, victor emmanuel, ii, mono, statue, sculpture, (en)Visionography

Monday, 1 December 2014

Step By Step How to Do a Head Shot on a White Background - Digital Photography School

Today you are going to come ride along with me as I shoot head shots for a client in San Diego, California. I was hired by a company to create simple head shots of their instructors in the San Diego area.There is a very big market for head shots and quite a few people want them shot on a white infinity backdrop. There are many ways to do this but I’m going to take you along on a shoot with me and show you how I do it:

via Step By Step How to Do a Head Shot on a White Background - Digital Photography School.